- Gdje u Svetom pismu piše da je Bog trojstvo?
- Gdje se u Bibliji nalaze termini „Bog Sin“ ili „Bog Sveti Duh“?
- Da li je Isus pogriješio kad je izjavio da je Njegov Otac „jedini istiniti Bog“ (Jovan 17:3)?
- Zašto Bog u Prvom Uputu Dekaloga kaže „Ja sam Gospod, tvoj Bog… nemoj imati drugih bogova ispred mene“ (2. Mojsijeva 20:3,4) ako je Božanstvo zapravo množina tri boga?
- Da li je Isus bio saglasan sa objavom: „Čuj, Izraele: Gospod Bog naš, Gospod je jedini“ (5. Mojsijeva 6:4; uporedi sa Marko 12:28-34)?
- Da li je Isus pogrešno predstavio odnos između Njega i Boga kad je izjavio „Otac moj veći je od mene“ (Jovan 14:28)? Kako je moguće da je Otac veći među „su-jednakim“ članovima trojstva?
- Kako je apostol Pavle mogao izjaviti da je „Hristu poglavar Bog“ (1. Korinćanima 11:3) ako su oni ravnopravni članovi trojstva?
- Da li je apostol Pavle bio saglasan da postoji samo jedan Bog (Rimljanima 3:30)?
- Zašto Pavle pravi jedinstvenu razliku kad govori o „kralju vječnom, neraspadljivom, nevidljivom, jedinom premudrom Bogu“ (1. Timoteju 1:17), ako postoje tri su-vječna boga?
- Da li je apostol Pavle pogriješio izjavivši da „postoji jedan Bog Otac od koga je sve … i jedan Gospod, Isus Hrist, kroz koga je sve…“ (1. Korinćanima 8:6)?
- Da li je apostol Jakov možda vjerovao u više od jednog Boga (Jakov 2:19)?
- Zašto Juda pravi razliku između „jedinog Gospodara [Despotos na grčkom, gospodar ili vlasnik u apsolutnom smislu, onaj koji ima potpunu jurisdikciju nad svime] Boga, i našeg Gospoda [grčki Kirios] Isusa Hrista“ (Juda 1:4)?
- Kako to da Pavle konstatuje da postoje „jedan Gospod [Isus]… i jedan Bog i Otac svih, koji je nad svima“ (Efescima 4:4-6), ako zapravo postoje tri su-jednaka boga?
- Da li je Bog pogrešno predstavio svog „su-jednakog“ i „su-vječnog kolegu“ iz „trojstva“ kad je objavio nakon Isusovog krštenja „Ovo je moj voljeni Sin“ (Matej 3:17)?
- Da li je Bog još jednom dezinformisao Isusove učenike o Njegovom stvarnom identitetu na Gori Preobraženja kad je ponovio „Ovo je moj voljeni Sin“ (Matej 17:5)?
- Da li je Petar pogrešno identifikovao Isusa kad je izjavio: „Ti si Hristos, Sin Boga živoga“ (Matej 16:13-17; uporedi sa Jovan 6:69) ili je dobio potvrdu da je to od Oca? Zašto nije prepoznao Isusa kao „drugo lice božanstva“?
- Zašto je Pavle u svojoj prvoj propovijedi, odmah posle obraćenja, „propovijedao Hrista, da je on Sin Božji“ (Djela 9:20)? Zar nije trebalo da kaže da je „član božanskog trojstva“?
- Da li je Marta pogriješila kad je priznala: „Ti si Hristos, Sin Božji, onaj koji treba da dođe na svijet“ (Jovan 11:27)?
- Zašto se optužba jevrejskih poglavara i sveštenika protiv Isusa zadržala samo u okviru Njegovog predstavljanja kao „Sina Božjeg“ i „Hrista / Mesije“ (Matej 26:63; Luka 22:67, 70; Jovan 19:7), ako je On ikada ičim sugerisao za sebe da je „bog“, „drugo lice božanstva“ i sl.?
- Da li je Filip pogrešno izložio jevanđelje etiopskom dvoraninu kad je ovaj na kraju iznio priznanje vjere: „Vjerujem da je Isus Hristos Sin Božji“ (Djela 8:37)?
- Zašto je Bog imao potrebu da Sinu daje „život po sebi“ (Jovan 5:26) ako je Sin zapravo „drugo su-vječno lice božanstva“ koji je to oduvijek imao?
- Kako to da su čak i demoni (pali anđeli) znali da je Isus „Sin Božji“ (Matej 8:29)? Zar su mogli biti dezinformisani oni koji su nekad prebivali u prisustvu Božjem?
- Ako je Bog „trojedini“ (3 u 1 i 1 u 3), da li to znači: i) da je samog sebe poslao na svijet; ii) da je umro da pomiri svijet sam sa sobom; iii) da je samog sebe uskrsnuo; iv) da je vaznio samog sebe na Nebo; v) da moli i posreduje sam pred sobom na Nebu; vi) da je jedini posrednik između čovjeka i samog sebe; vii) da je nevidljiv a ipak viđen; viii) da je svemoćni Bog ali ipak jačan od anđela; ix) da je sveznajući Bog ali da nije znao dan svog povratka; x) da je velik kao Njegov Otac ali da je Otac veći od Njega; xi) da je jednak sa Ocem ali On je ipak Otac; xii) da je Sin ali iste dobi kao Otac; xiii) da je Sin koji ima Oca i Bog koji nema Oca; xiv) da je rođeni Sin i nerođeni Bog; xv) da je zaista Bog i zaista čovjek; xvi) da je izašao sam od sebe; xvii) da je dao silu samom sebi; xviii) da je zahvaljivao samom sebi; xix) da je nosio svjedočanstvo sam sebi; xx) da se vratio samom sebi; xxi) da sjedi s desne strane samom sebi; xxii) da je svoj vlastiti Otac i svoj vlastiti Sin; xxiii) da je napustio Nebo pa ipak bio tamo sve vrijeme…
- Zašto je Sin Božji nazvan „slikom (obličjem) nevidljivog Boga“ (Kološanima 1:15; Jevrejima 1:3) ako je On zapravo još jedan su-vječni i su-jednaki ravnopravni bog?
- Zašto je Isus nazvan „prvorođenim prije svakog stvaranja“ (Kološanima 1:15; Jevrejima 1:6) ako je „su-vječni“ ravnopravni Bog zajedno sa Ocem i svetim Duhom?
- Kako to da je Isus Hrist „jedinorođeni“ (monogenes = jedinac) od Oca (Jovan 1:14; 1:18; 3:16; 3:18; 1. Jovanova 4:9) ako je „su-vječni“ član trojstva?
- Kako i zašto Sin (Isus Hrist) uvijek i bez izuzetka prima autorizaciju od Oca i biva upućen ili naimenovan od Boga Oca (Jovan 5:22; Matej 28:18; Jovan 8:28, 42; Jevrejima 1:6, itd.) ako je i sam su-vječni i su-jednaki ravnopravni bog?
- Da li je Duh sveti, ako je ravnopravni član božanskog Trojstva, zapravo Hristov Otac (Matej 1:18)?
- Zašto Jovan spominje samo Boga i Riječ kada govori o stvaranju (Jovan 1:1-3, 14)?
- Kako to da Pavle navodi samo dva božanska bića koja su bila uključena u stvaranje (Efescima 3:9; Kološanima 1:15-16; Jevrejima 1:1-2)?
- Zašto u Pavlovim, Petrovim i Jovanovim pismima uvijek stoji da blagodat i mir dolaze samo od Oca i Sina (Rimljanima 1:7; 1. Korinćanima 1:3; 2. Korinćanima 1:2; Galatima 1:3; Efescima 1:2; Filipljanima 1:2; Kološanima 1:2; 1. Solunjanima 1:1; 2. Solunjanima 1:2; 1. Timoteju 1:2; 2. Timoteju 1:2; Titu 1:4; Filimonu 1:3; 2. Petrova 1:2; 2. Jovanova 1:3)?
- Zašto je Isus potpuno izostavio Duha svetoga kada je izjavio da vječni život zavisi o poznavanju Boga i Njega (Jovan 17:3)?
- Ko je i zbog čega krivotvorio tekst u 1. Jovanovoj 5:7, dionici poznatoj kao Comma Johanneum? Da li zbog podrške dogmi o trojstvu koja ne postoji u Svetom Pismu?
- Pošto je Petar na Pedesetnici, svega desetak dana nakon poslednjih Hristovih uputa prije Njegovog uznesenja na Nebo (Matej 28:19-20; Djela 1:2-3), propovijedao da se „svako… krsti u ime Isusa Hrista“ (Djela 2:38), da li to znači da je već bio „zaboravio“ trojstvenu kršteničku formulu, da nije bilo validno njegovo nadahnuće pod kojim je propovijedao, ili da je ova formula u Matejevom jevanđelju krivotvorena u IV vijeku, baš kao i (naučno dokazano) Comma Johanneum (1. Jovanova 5:7)?
- Kako to da u Novom savezu ne postoji nijedan zabilježen primjer da je neko kršten „u ime Oca i Sina i Svetog Duha“, već samo u ime Isusa Hrista (Djela apostolska 2:38; Djela apostolska 8:12; Djela apostolska 8:16; Djela apostolska 10:48; Djela apostolska 19:5; Djela apostolska 22:16; Rimljanima 6:3; 1. Korinćanima 1:13 i Galatima 3:27)?
- Zašto Biblija nikad ne uči da volimo, obožavamo ili se molimo Duhu svetom?
- Isus izjavljuje da je samo Sin vidio Oca (Jovan 6:46; Luka 10:22). Kako Duh sveti može biti doslovno biće, a da nikada nije vidio Oca?
- Zašto je apostol Jovan izostavio Duha svetog kada kaže da je „naša zajednica s Ocem i sa Sinom Njegovim Isusom Hristom“ (1. Jovanova 1:3)?
- Kako to da Biblija govori samo o prestolima Oca i Sina, a presto svetog Duha nikad ne pominje?
- Zašto Otac nikada nije razgovarao sa Duhom svetim?
- Zašto Isus nikada nije razgovarao sa Duhom svetim?
- Zašto Duh sveti nikada nije razgovarao s Isusom?
- Zašto Duh sveti nikada nije razgovarao s Ocem?
- Zašto se Duh sveti manifestovao u formi goluba na Isusovom krštenju (Matej 3:16) ako je i sam bog? Zar to ne bi bilo direktno kršenje Božjeg Uputa o zabrani idolatrije i prikazivanja Božanstva materijalnim stvarima (2. Mojsijeva 20:4; 5. Mojsijeva 4:15-19)?
- Zašto Pavle kaže da postoji samo jedan Duh (Efescima 4:4), dok Biblija govori o „Duhu Božjem“, „Duhu Hristovom“ (Rimljanima 8:9), „Duhu Gospodnjem“? Da li je to zasebno biće ili Duh o kojem govori cijelo Sveto Pismo: „Bog… poslao Duh svog Sina“ (Galatima 4:6); duh putem kojeg Otac i Sin prebivaju u vjernima (Jovan 14:23; Efescima 2:18; Galatima 2:20; Filipljanima 1:19; 1. Petrova 1:11)?
- Koliko ima „svetih duhova“ ako je tačna dogma o trojstvu?
- Kako to da o „danu ili času“ Hristovog drugog dolaska „niko ne zna, ni anđeli na nebu ni Sin, već Otac“ (Marko 13:32)? Zašto nije spomenut sveti Duh kao ravnopravni Bog koji bi takođe morao to znati?
- Zašto Sveto pismo naziva „antihristima“ one koje poriču doslovnog Oca i Sina (1. Jovanova 2:22-23; Juda 1:4)?
- Kako to da je Sin Božji jedino biće koje poznaje Oca (Luka 10:22)?
- Kako to da su Otac i Sin jedina božanska bića koja neko može mrziti (Jovan 15:23-24)?
- Kako to da su samo dva bića uključena u posredovanje za nas ako je prema dogmi o trojstvu sveti Duh posrednik: „Jer jedan je Bog, i jedan je posrednik između Boga i ljudi, čovjek, Hristos Isus“ (1. Timoteju 2:5)?
- Zašto se u istom stihu (1. Timoteju 2:5) eksplicitno ističe da postoji „samo jedan Bog“ i zašto Isus nije makar nazvan „bogočovjekom“?
- Zašto „spasenje (dugujemo) našem Bogu, koji sjedi na prestolu, i Jagnjetu“ (Otkrivenje 7:10)? Zar sveti Duh nema nikakve zasluge?
- Ako je Isus Hrist jedan od tri su-vječna boga, kako je mogao umrijeti na krstu i posvjedočiti za sebe da je „bio mrtav“ (Otkrivenje 1:18), ako znamo da je Bog jedini besmrtan (1. Timoteju 6:16)?
- Kako to da je Stefan u božanskom otkrivenju vidio na Nebu samo „Sina čovečijeg kako stoji s desne strane Bogu“ (Djela apostolska 7:56)? Gdje je nestao treći član?
- Kako to da ćemo biti samo „naslednici Božji, a sunaslednici Hristovi“ (Rimljanima 8:17)? Gdje je treći?
- Zašto o Hristu ne svjedoči i Duh sveti, već samo Otac koji ga je poslao (Jovan 8:18)?
- Zašto Isus kaže „vjerujte u Boga, i u mene vjerujte“ (Jovan 14:1) ako postoji još jedan bog u kojega trebamo vjerovati?
- Zašto Jovan povezuje vjeru u Isusa Hrista Sina Božjeg sa zadobijanjem vječnog života (Jovan 20:31; 1. Jovanova 5:10-12) ako je Bog zapravo trojstvo tri su-vječna boga?
- Zašto Jovan kaže da pobjeđuje svijet onaj koji vjeruje da je Isus Sin Božji (1. Jovanova 5:5)?
- Zašto „antihrist“ poriče samo Oca i Sina (1. Jovanova 2:22,23) ako postoji i bog sveti duh?
- Zašto sto četrdeset i četiri hiljade samo „imaju ime njegovog [Hristovog] Oca napisano na svojim čelima“ (Otkrivenje 14:1) ako postoje još dva ravnopravna boga?
- Zašto spaseni na Nebu kažu da „spasenje (duguju) našem Bogu, koji sjedi na prestolu, i Jagnjetu“ (Otkrivenje 7:10)? Kako to da ne znaju za „treće lice božanstva“ i zahvale i njemu?
- Zašto u „kraljevstvu Hrista i Boga“ (Efescima 5:5) nema svetog Duha?
- Zašto po realizaciji Plana spasenja na Božjem prestolu opet nema svetog Duha, već je presto samo Božji i Jagnjetov / Hristov (Otkrivenje 22:1)?
- Zašto će se Sin „pokoriti Bogu“ po realizaciji Plana spasenja ako je su-jednaki bog (1. Korinćanima 15:27,28)?
- Zašto poštujemo samo Oca i Sina (Jovan 5:23)?
- Zašto apostol Jakov kaže za sebe da je „sluga Boga i Gospoda Isusa Hrista“ (Jakov 1:1)? Zar odbija da služi i trećem?
- Zašto Isus naglašava da je u jedinstvu samo sa Ocem (Jovan 10:30) ako postoji „trojedini Bog“?
- Zašto je Isus obećao učenicima i hrišćanima u svim narednim vjekovima da nas „neće ostaviti“ (Jovan 14:18) i da će biti „uvijek sa nama, sve do svršetka ovog doba“ (Matej 28:20) ako je Duh sveti kao zasebno biće taj koji obavlja djelo osvjedočenja, tješenja i dr.?
- Kako to da Duh istine ne govori od sebe, već je Otac taj koji govori njemu šta da govori, a taj „On“ je Hrist (Jovan 8:28; 12:49; 14:10, 24 i 16:13)?
- Kako to da je kroz kompletnu Bibliju Bog Otac uvijek Izvor i najviši Autoritet od koga dolazi sve, a Sin Božji božanski kanal, kroz kojega je sve (Jovan 12:49; Jovan 14:10; Jovan 14:24, Jovan 8:28), bilo u fizičkoj ili duhovnoj manifestaciji, ako postoje tri su-jednaka ravnopravna boga (trećeg zapravo nigdje nema, dok kod pomenuta dva očito postoji jasna hijerarhija i domen djelovanja koji se nikada ne mijenja)?
- Ko je zapravo Isusa uskrsnuo iz groba, ako je Bog trojedini (vidi: Djela 2:24; 2:32; 3:15; 4:10; 5:30; 10:40; 13:30,33,34,37; 17:31; Rimljanima 4:24; 6:4; 10:9; 1. Korinćanima 6:14; 15:15; 2. Korinćanima 4:14; Galatima 1:1; Efescima 1:20; Kološanima 2:12; 1. Solunjanima 1:10; 1. Petrova 1:21)?
- Kako to da je Isus Hrist po uznesenju i preuzimanju ingerencija na Nebu (Matej 28:18) imao potrebu da mu Bog Otac daje otkrivenje (Otkrivenje 1:1) ako je i sam ravnopravni sveznajući bog?
- Ako je Isus su-vječni Bog sa Ocem, zašto je kazao Mariji Magdaleni da se vraća „svom Bogu i vašem Bogu“ (Jovan 20:17)?
- Zašto u Otkrivenju 3:12 Isus tri puta naziva svog Oca „moj Bog“? (vidi takođe Matej 27:46) Da li na Nebu postoji samo jedan istinski Bog ili možda hijerarhija nižih i viših bogova? Kako se to uklapa u dogmu o „trojedinom bogu“ i tri „su-vječna“ i „su-jednaka“ bića?
- Ako Isus očito nije bio član nekog „trojstva“ niti trinitarac, zašto ste onda vi?
Sola Scriptura?
Institut za izučavanje religije
77 questions for trinitarians
- Where in the Scriptures does it say that God is a trinity?
- Where in the Bible are the terms “God the Son” or “God the Holy Spirit” found?
- Was Jesus wrong in declaring that His Father was “the only true God” (John 17:3)?
- Why does God say in the First Commandment of the Decalogue, “I am the Lord thy God… Thou shalt have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3,4), if the Deity is in fact a plural of three gods?
- Did Jesus agree with the declaration, “Hear, Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one!” (Deuteronomy 6:4; compare Mark 12:28-34)?
- Did Jesus misrepresent the relationship between Him and God when He said, “My Father is greater than I” (John 14:28)? How is it possible that the Father is greater among the “co-equal” members of the trinity?
- How could the apostle Paul declare that “the head of Christ is God” (1 Corinthians 11:3) if they are equal members of the trinity?
- Did the apostle Paul agree that there is only one God (Romans 3:30)?
- Why does Paul make a unique distinction when he speaks of “eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God” (1 Timothy 1:17), if there are three co-eternal gods?
- Did apostle Paul err in declaring that “there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things…” (1 Corinthians 8:6)?
- Did apostle James perhaps believe in more than one God (James 2:19)?
- Why does Judas distinguish between “the only Lord [Despotos in Greek, lord or owner in the absolute sense, the one who has complete jurisdiction over all] God, and our Lord [Greek Kurios] Jesus Christ” (Jude 1:4)?
- How is it that Paul states that there is “one Lord [Jesus]” and one God and Father of all, who is above all” (Ephesians 4:4-6), if there are in fact three co-equal gods?
- Did God misrepresent His “co-equal” and “eternal fellow” of the “trinity” when He revealed after Jesus’ baptism “This is my beloved Son” (Matthew 3:17)?
- Did God once again misinform Jesus’ disciples about His true identity on the Mount of Transfiguration when He repeated “This is my beloved Son” (Matthew 17:5)?
- Did Peter misidentify Jesus when he declared, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:13-17; compare John 6:69), or did he receive confirmation that it was from the Father? Why didn’t he recognize Jesus as the “second person of the deity”?
- Why did Paul in his first sermon, immediately after his conversion, “preach Christ that he is the Son of God” (Acts 9:20)? Shouldn’t he have said that he was a “member of the divine trinity”?
- Was Martha wrong when she confessed, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of God, which should come into the world” (John 11:27)?
- Why did the accusation of the Jewish leaders and priests against Jesus remain only in the context of His presentation as “Son of God” and “Christ / Messiah” (Matthew 26:63; Luke 22:67, 70; John 19:7), if He is ever anything suggested for himself that he was a “god”, “second person of a deity”, etc.
- Did Philip misrepresent the gospel to the Ethiopian courtier who finally made a confession of faith: “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God” (Acts 8:37)?
- Why did God need to give the Son “life in himself” (John 5:26) if the Son is in fact the “second co-eternal person of the deity” who has always had it?
- How is it that even demons (fallen angels) knew that Jesus was “the Son of God” (Matthew 8:29)? Could those who once dwelt in the presence of God have been misinformed?
- If God is “triune” (3 in 1 and 1 in 3),does it mean: i) that He sent Himself into the world; ii) that He died to reconcile the world with Himself; iii) that He resurrected Himself; iv) that He ascended Himself to Heaven; c) that He prays and intercedes before Himself in Heaven; vi) that He is the sole mediator between man and Himself; vii) that He is invisible and yet seen; viii) that God is omnipotent still needed to be strengthen by angels; ix) that He is an omniscient God but did not know the day of His return; x) that He is as great as His Father but that the Father is greater than Him; xi) that He is equal to the Father but He is still the Father; xii) that He is the Son but of the same age as the Father; xiii) that He is the Son who has the Father, and God who has no Father; xiv) that He is a born Son and an unborn God; xv) that He is truly God and truly man; xvi) that He came out of Himself; xvii) that He gave strength to Himself; xviii) that He thanked to Himself; xix) that He bore a testimony to Himself; xx) that He has returned to Himself; xxi) that He sits to the right of himself; xxii) that He is His own Father and His own Son; xxiii) that He left Heaven and yet was there all the time…
- Why is the Son of God called “the image of the invisible God” (Collosians 1:15; Hebrews 1:3) if He is in fact another co-eternal and co-equal god?
- Why is Jesus called “the firstborn of every creature” (Colossians 1:15; Hebrews 1:6) if He is “co-eternal” and “co-equal” God with the Father and the Holy Spirit?
- How is it that Jesus Christ is the “only begotten son” (monogenes) of the Father (John 1:14; 1:18; 3:16; 3:18; 1 John 4:9) if he is a “co-eternal member of the trinity”?
- How and why the Son (Jesus Christ) always and without exception receives authorization from the Father and is instructed or appointed by God the Father (John 5:22; Matthew 28:18; John 8:28, 42; Hebrews 1:6, etc.) if He himself is a co-eternal and co-equal god?
- Is the Holy Spirit, if he is an equal member of the divine Trinity, actually the Father of Christ (Matthew 1:18)?
- Why does John mention only God and the Word when he refers to the creation (John 1:1-3, 14)?
- How is it that Paul lists only two divine beings who were involved in the creation (Ephesians 3:9; Colossians 1:15-16; Hebrews 1:1-2)?
- Why in Paul’s, Peter’s and John’s writings it always says that grace and peace come only from the Father and the Son (Romans 1:7; 1 Corinthians 1:3; 2 Corinthians 1:2; Galatians 1:3; Ephesians 1:2 Philippians 1:2, Colossians 1:2, 1 Thessalonians 1:1, 2 Thessalonians 1:2, 1 Timothy 1:2, 2 Timothy 1:2, Titus 1:4, Philemon 1:3, Peter 1:2; 2 John 1:3)?
- Why did Jesus completely omit the Holy Spirit when He declared that eternal life depends on knowing God and Him (John 17:3)?
- Who and why forged the text in 1 John 5:7, a section known as Comma Johanneum? Is it because of the support of the dogma of the trinity that does not exist in the Bible?
- Because at Pentecost, just ten days after Christ’s last instructions to the disciples before His ascension into heaven (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:2-3), Peter preached that “everyone should be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ” (Acts 2:38), does this mean that he had already “forgotten” the Trinitarian baptismal formula, that his inspiration under which he preached was not valid, or that this formula in Matthew’s Gospel was falsified in the fourth century, as it was (scientifically proven) Comma Johanneum (1 John 5:7)?
- How is it that in the New Covenant there is no recorded example of someone being baptized “in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” but only in the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38; Acts 8:12; Acts 8:16); Acts 10:48; Acts 19:5; Acts 22:16; Romans 6:3; 1 Corinthians 1:13 and Galatians 3:27)?
- Why does the Bible never teach us to love, worship, or pray to the Holy Spirit?
- Jesus declares that only the Son saw the Father (John 6:46; Luke 10:22). How can the Holy Spirit be a literal being without ever seeing the Father?
- Why did the apostle John omit the Holy Spirit when he said that “our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ” (1 John 1:3)?
- How is it that the Bible speaks only of the thrones of the Father and the Son, and the throne of the Holy Spirit is never mentioned?
- Why did the Father never speak to the Holy Spirit?
- Why did Jesus never speak to the Holy Spirit?
- Why did the Holy Spirit never speak to Jesus?
- Why did the Holy Spirit never speak to the Father?
- Why did the Holy Spirit manifest in the form of a dove at Jesus’ baptism (Matthew 3:16) if He is God Himself? Wouldn’t that be a direct violation of God’s Commandment on the Prohibition of Idolatry and the Representation of Deity by Material Things (Exodus 20:4; Deuteronomy 4:15-19)?
- Why does Paul say that there is only one Spirit (Ephesians 4:4), while the Bible speaks of the “Spirit of God”, the “Spirit of Christ” (Romans 8:9), the “Spirit of the Lord”? Is it a separate being or the Spirit spoken of throughout Scripture: “God sent the Spirit of his Son” (Galatians 4:6); the spirit through which the Father and the Son dwell in the faithful (John 14:23; Ephesians 2:18; Galatians 2:20; Philippians 1:19; 1 Peter 1:11)?
- How many “holy spirits” are there if the dogma of the trinity is correct?
- How is it that “the day and hour of Christ’s second coming” no one knows, neither the angels in heaven nor the Son, but the Father” (Mark 13:32)? Why is the Holy Spirit not mentioned as an equal God who should also know this?
- Why does Scripture call “antichrists” those who deny the literal Father and Son (1 John 2:22-23; Jude 1:4)?
- How is it that the Son of God is the only being who knows the Father (Luke 10:22)?
- How is it that the Father and the Son are the only divine beings that one can hate (John 15:23-24)?
- How is it that only two beings are involved in the intercession for us if, according to the dogma of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is the mediator: “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” (1 Timothy 2:5)?
- Why does the same verse (1 Timothy 2:5) explicitly state that there is “only one God” and why is Jesus not even called “God-man”?
- Why do we owe “Salvation to our God who sits upon the throne, and unto the Lamb” (Revelation 7:10)? Does the Holy Spirit have no merit?
- If Jesus Christ is one of the three co-eternal gods, how could He die on the cross and testify by himself that he was “dead” (Revelation 1:18), if we know that God is the only immortal being (1 Timothy 6:16)?
- How is it that in divine revelation, Stephen saw in heaven only “the Son of man standing at the right hand of God” (Acts 7:56)? Where did the third member disappear?
- How is it that we will be “heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ” (Romans 8:17)? Where is the third?
- Why does not the Holy Spirit testify of Christ, but only the Father who sent him (John 8:18)?
- Why does Jesus say, “Believe in God, believe also in me” (John 14:1) if there is yet another god we should believe in?
- Why does John associate faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, with the acquisition of eternal life (John 20:31; 1 John 5:10-12) if God is in fact a trinity of three co-eternal gods?
- Why does John say that the world is conquered by those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God (1 John 5:5)?
- Why does the “antichrist” deny only the Father and the Son (1 John 2:22,23) if there is also a holy spirit god?
- Why one hundred and forty four thousand only “having His [Christ’s] Father’ name written in their foreheads” (Revelation 14:1) if there are two more co-equal gods?
- Why do the saved in Heaven say that “salvation (owes) our God, who sits on the throne, and the Lamb” (Revelation 7:10)? How is it possible that they don’t know about the “third person of the deity” and thank him too?
- Why is there no Holy Spirit in the “kingdom of Christ and God” (Ephesians 5:5)?
- Why, after the completion of the Plan of Salvation, there is again no Holy Spirit on God’s throne, but only the throne of God and the Lamb / Christ (Revelation 22:1)?
- Why will “the Son also himself be subject unto him (God)” after the realization of the Plan of Salvation if he is a co-equal god (1 Corinthians 15:27, 28)?
- Why do we honor only the Father and the Son (John 5:23)?
- Why does the apostle James say of himself that he is “a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ” (James 1:1)? Did he refuse to serve the third?
- Why does Jesus emphasize that He is in unity only with the Father (John 10:30) if there is a “triune God”?
- Why did Jesus promise His disciples and Christians in all ages to come that He “will not leave us comfortless” (John 14:18) and that He would be “with you always, even unto the end of the world” (Matthew 28:20) if the Holy Spirit as a separate being would be the one who performs the act of conviction, consolation, etc.?
- How is it that the Spirit of truth does not speak for himself, but the Father who tells him what to say, and that “He” is Christ (John 8:28; 12:49; 14:10, 24 and 16:13)?
- How is it that through the complete Scriptures, God the Father is always the Source and the highest Authority from whom everything comes, and the Son is God’s divine channel, through which everything is (John 12:49; John 14:10; John 14 John 24:28), either in physical or spiritual manifestation, if there are three co-equal gods (the third is actually nowhere to be found, while in the two mentioned there is a clear hierarchy and domain of action that never changes)?
- Who actually raised Jesus from the grave, if God is triune (see Acts 2:24; 2:32; 3:15; 4:10; 5:30; 10:40; 13:30,33,34,37; 17:31; Romans 4:24; 6:4; 10:9; 1 Corinthians 6:14; 15:15; 2 Corinthians 4:14; Galatians 1:1; Ephesians 1:20; Colossians 2:12; 1 Thessalonians 1:10; 1 Peter 1:21)?
- How is it that Jesus Christ, after ascending and taking authority in Heaven (Matthew 28:18), needed God the Father to give Him revelation (Revelation 1:1) if He himself is an equal omniscient god?
- If Jesus is a co-eternal God with the Father, why did he tell Mary Magdalene that He ascends to “my God and your God” (John 20:17)?
- Why in Revelation 3:12 does Jesus call his Father “my God” three times? (see also Matthew 27:46) Is there only one true God in Heaven or perhaps a hierarchy of lower and higher gods? How does this fit into the dogma of the “triune god” and the three “co-eternal” and “co-equal” beings?
- If Jesus was obviously not a member of a “trinity” or a Trinitarian, then why are you?
Sola Scriptura?
Institute for the Study of Religion
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